Guest post: See our guidelines to provide an article. We are accepting Guest Posts on home improvement and woodworking.

Guest Post

Hey, are you interested in and want to be a part of it? Are you fascinated about woodworking, and Home improvement, and have experience using them for a long time? Then welcome to submit your guest post on the site.

To ensure our audience will continually receive great and insightful content, please follow these guidelines in the guest post:​


  •  Headlines should be around 8-12 words long.
  • ​ Insightful topic that is unique and brings value to the readers
  • ​ Relevant to the theme of
  •  Article content must be 100% original and unique and not previously published anywhere online.
  •  Articles should be at least 1500 words. Submit articles in Word format(.doc)
  •  No grammatical or spelling errors! I will not accept plagiarism of any kind and I use tools such as Copyscape and Plagiarism Checker
  •  You may include 1 link to your blog or website and 1-2 links to an authority website. Promotional articles will not be published.

PHOTO GUIDELINES: (If You Want to Give Photo)

  •  All contributors are encouraged to submit photos with their posts. These should be at least 800 pixels
  •  Please send copy write images or take the full permission form its owner.
  •  DO NOT use images from Google Image search or simply taken from a website.
  • DO NOT use images from free stock sites like,, and

That’s it. Email your guest post to, and we shall discuss our steps next moving forward. Include any of your previous posts/writings that might support your ability as a writer, or your experience in the field you are writing.