How to build a Router Table Dust Collector
One of the most important components in a router table is the dust collection procedure. Dust collection is necessary because the dust produced during the wood work can cause problems in the further working machine. There are dust collectors available in the market but they are extremely expensive. What is the need of such expensive dust collector when you can build a Router Table dust collector at home?
Table of Contents
Who needs it and when we need it?
A dust collector is needed to collect the dust produced during working with the router table. In order to work smoothly with the help of a router table the dust collection procedure is necessary. Every person who wants to work with a router table needs dust collection procedure along with the router table.
What happened if?
When you are making a dust collection procedure for your router table you need to take proper care of the procedure you are using for your type of router table. As there are different types of router tables so you have to keep in view that the procedure you are using fits with your machine.
Procedure to Build a Router Table Dust Collector:
Here is a way to make your own dust collection system with the help of a vacuum.
Step 1
You need to have some quarter inch bolts, washers and nuts. You also need to have some hose clamps, a dust deputy cyclone which is available in the market and a 5 gallon bucket with a top along with some hose. Now set up the cyclone over the bucket and marks the holes of cyclone on the bucket top and drill them. Now mark a 3 inch circle from the center of the bucket top and cut it.
Step 2
Now you need to connect the cyclone to the bucket top with the help of bolts with washers and tightening them. Now take some tape and put it on the input of the cyclone to make it fit the coupling. Now plug in the hose.
Step 3
Now is the time for making a main trunk with the help of another hose. Now you can connect the system with the machine and set it up on the right place for you. Now with the help of this dust collection system you can carry on your work smoothly. You can add more and more into this system if you want some more ease.
Here is a video in which you would have the practical picture of making a dust collection system at home.
It is an easy procedure to make a dust collection system for your router table at home. The best part is that this system is flexible which means that you can always add up to it. You can change it whenever you want to and make it fit for your increased requirements.
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